Durshal Swabi (1st Cohort)
Technomation is an innovative idea of application of the Internet of Things developed wirelessly to monitor and operate devices over the cloud. There are a lot of areas for the Internet of Things to be utilized. With the use of smart sensor technology, any electronics devices or appliances can be designed to connect to the Internet. Just having devices installed does not necessarily mean you've got a smart home. It's what you do with this system, what you teach and programs it to do and it takes some effort and creative thinking to get good results. In our Idea, Wireless platform is used to communicate between devices and the internet (IoT). Devices are controlled and monitored locally as well as Globally through Cloud. A user interacts wirelessly with all devices through laptop/Android Phone or even just talking with walls i.e Voice Automation.
email: technomation777@gmail.com
Team Members - Technomation
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