E-TS (Electronic Testing Service)
Durshal Peshawar (2nd Cohort)
ETS is an online platform for ETEA entrance test preparation its mission is to prepare the ETEA students efficiently and effectively in the shortest possible time with quality material and services. Our vision is to provide the best online platform for home-based e-ETEA Entrance Test preparation and change the trend from paper-based testing into e-testing services. We want to empower our youth with quality education at an affordable price for everyone. Your guidance is our responsibility. We will make ways of success possible throughout your academic career.
email: info@etaonlineacademy.com.pk
website: www.etav2.etaonlineacademy.com.pk/
Team Members - E-TS (Electronic Testing Service)
Meet the list of cool folks behind E-TS (Electronic Testing Service)

Imran Khan (CEO)

Muska Rehman
Marketing Expert

Nazir Ahmad
Finance Officer

Tariq Ullah
Web Developer