Digital Tourism in Pakistan

IM Durshal (1st Cohort)

Market Study:

Tourism is the sector the control & runs the GDP of many countries as major player, Many economies solely run on the tourism. In Pakistan we know that the future is related to the tourism, but we are focused on how to utilize this resource.

We have seen a rapid growth in the Pakistan Tourism in last couple of years and it’s a huge change, as terror suffered country can host such amount of the tourist.

According to the PTDC, the 300% increase in the International tourists have seen in years. Our focus is to the find the make the platform that main focus in online promotion of the tourism areas, to make up there detailed documentaries & to convert them in the VR Virtual Reality.

Content Creation:

Our team is dedicated to find the best tourism pictures and promote them on their portal; the portal can be a platform that promotes the pictures, videos and Virtual Realities of the Places.

The Virtual Reality is focusing on giving the best reality footage to the client.

Our focus is on the both the national and international tourist of the world,

Pakistan Tourism Promotion Cell:

The platform sponsored by the CSR of the companies for the promotion of the tourism, till now the FMG group is our proud sponsor in this project. The support is also in progress with the many other stakeholders that are supporting us in this field


  • To cover all aspects of Tourism Marketing of kpk
  • To Updates all activities (Video/Photos/Documentaries)
  • Tourism Marketing Campaign (Paradise Pakistan)
  • Interviews & experiences of foreign / domestic tourists
  • Documentaries publish world wide
  • Tourism activities in Pakistan spotlight
  • Liaison between the tourist & department
  • Events / Seminars / Session
  • Youth Tourist Ambassador campaign
  • Queries / Suggestions

Team Members - Digital Tourism in Pakistan

Meet the list of cool folks behind Digital Tourism in Pakistan

Arif Zeb
Asim Baber
Syed Arsalan Ali Shah
Usman Hashmi